843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com
Dimensional Shift

Dimensional Shift

Question: Can you tell me about the energies that are affecting us right now and how best to handle them? Message: We are in a time of great change and the energies are swirling in a configuration of dimensional shift. This dimensional shift is geometrically opposed...


Question:  What do I need to know today? Message: Our version of who you are on Earth and why you exist requires an understanding of cosmology.* However, the greater the leap in consciousness, the greater the understanding/knowing of the truth of our existence. We are...
Search for Destiny

Search for Destiny

Question: What does destiny mean to an individual living on the Earth today? Message: When a quest for clarity prompts an individual to persist in contemplating their future by considering their present nature and the direction in which they want to go, destiny...
The Truth Marker

The Truth Marker

Question: Please provide more information about meeting basic needs vs following soul guidance. Message: A carrier of destiny permits a soul to create their path as if in alignment with free will. However, free will is a permanent marker toward a specific destiny...
Energies Showering Earth

Energies Showering Earth

Question from Cindy:  Are there energies showering the Earth from a Saturn /moon matrix. How should we handle this situation? Message: Regarding energies showering Earth from whatever region, the answer is always “yes.” However, it is classified as a...