843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com

Question: Can you tell me about the energies that are affecting us right now and how best to handle them?


We are in a time of great change and the energies are swirling in a configuration of dimensional shift. This dimensional shift is geometrically opposed to most humans’ current energy configuration, which means that we are supporting a trend toward unusual, and unconventional thinking.

A perception of time speeding up is correct, in that individuals are being propelled forward regardless of conscious intention. Thus, when a person believes they are making a conscious decision to change, they are actually being influenced by universal force to shift in consciousness and direct their energies toward a more substantive arrangement of lifestyle. This new lifestyle will support receptive persons to carry the energies of cosmic performance.

All on the planet are experiencing reactions to the energetic shift. However, those more sensitive to energies and more elevated in consciousness will respond with action, while those who are not in sync will be further influenced to change, but express negative resistance before their personal shift.

All will shift and all are being guided. Make an intention to lift the veil while in a place of decision so that those who guide, and with best intentions provide you with loving support, will be more available to you. Allow your guides to open the portal to the new energy and guide you through without resistance. As you do so, the quality of the shift will be personally rewarding and satisfying.



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