843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com

Question:  What do I need to know today?


Our version of who you are on Earth and why you exist requires an understanding of cosmology.* However, the greater the leap in consciousness, the greater the understanding/knowing of the truth of our existence.

We are the origin of all time, and we exist continually on a plane of existence which can be termed a constellation for expansion.

Your personal expansion is occurring on a continual basis, and your inter-galactic connections arise as a result of heritage originating in the stars. A perfect example of this is the carrier of truth, Mahatma Gandhi. This ascended master walked the earth to demonstrate connection and expansion of fairness to all. His peaceful manner demonstrated and emanated an understanding of equality and his affirmation of peace continues to circulate on etheric levels.

We ask you to consider that all who existed in the past, and those to come, as well as those living on the planet now, form a consortium of levels of interaction, all fulfilling the term of cosmology.

Thus, the inclusion of a new level of consciousness embraces all current, past, future circumstances, and allows the opening for expansion to perpetuate the universal core. That is, you are in an eternal cycle of acquiring wisdom and expanding limitlessly.

*origin and evolution of the universe

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