843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com

Your individual compass creates the balance required for participation in the collective creation of Universal cohesion. There is no effort required because there is a ballast provided within each individual guiding their force–their energetic accounting–within the sphere of All That Is.

Being within the Oneness exerts the influence necessary to provide for each individual exactly what they need to experience.

We are each actors on a stage, becoming who we are with each breath, experiencing the dimensional awareness required to individuate and yet be One. The force field of nature interacts with the unfolding concepts, introducing our consciousness to our story and shifting reality.

Your dreams, your wishes, and your projections are all coalescing into a new vision (truth) of who you are. 

Wonder no more whether you will achieve the next steps – the power is in your hands – just know that you are guided.