843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com

Note: Today’s message reflects an increasingly common theme associated with the answers to my questions.

Question: What is the status of the survival of our species at this time?


Your elevation of consciousness brings you to a new awareness of the difference between the human condition and the existence of the soul. When you maintain awareness of soul existence, your view of survival shifts to an understanding that all is a figment of imagination. The current state of the world is chaotic, but the underlying order is potent. The strength lies in staying connected to the core of being and not focusing on outer chaos.

The nodes, or touchstones, of your being create a current of understanding that even without a gallery of participants, your individual spirit is a creation of All That Is and exists outside the human construct.

Allow the chaos to swirl while you participate in the evolution of your soul’s path without allowing the reality-based story to interfere with the understanding that there is a significant meaning beyond the veil.

Question: What touchstone can we use to connect with the soul’s core?


Maintain conscious awareness / faith, that there is a nature of consistency in the existence you perceive and a reason beyond your understanding for the virtual reality of your experience.

When you step out of the story of your current life, you stream patterns, symbols and intelligent cosmology. View your outer nature as a mask and your actions as created by guidance that connects the circuitry of your behavior so that the highest level of creation can be activated.

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