843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com


Your ages are infinitesimal to us. Your ability to transcribe and to bring change to the planet one-by-one is key to ability to shift humanity to a new level of consciousness. This cannot be done without developing a new genre of belief systems and breaking down the old systems.

A new system allows free form or flexible consciousness to absorb concepts and accept new conditions for functioning. This functioning will separate those who see the future for what it is with clarity from those unable to change and shift.

The old, familiar belief systems and concepts have worked to guide humanity into patterns of growth, but now that growth has stopped.

You may argue that the state of humanity is in decline. This is so only for a portion of individuals feeding on negative vibrations. They have allowed themselves to cling to old paradigms and associate with like-minded people who support and agree with them.

There is an increasing chasm; a divergence of old and new thought. Those who are waking up to new thought are like babies being fed nutrient-rich meals and they become enlightened more quickly as the time line for change accelerates and the light forces require more of this energy to survive the dark.

Where light and dark meet creates a paradigm shift in consciousness. But, where human consciousness meets a “wall,” it creates the regrets which lead to negative alignment and body decline.

The inner strength required for spiritual growth requires an ignition of passion. Passion for personal development reaching beyond known concepts and passion for absorption of new energy. Open to this energy, and to the possibility that you may experience the unknown in unexpected ways. Stay centered and clear to visual and physical experiences outside of current paradigms. Stay alert for symbols, clues, and guidance which will support and lead you to new avenues of growth and awakening.

We wake to a new day, a new consciousness, and a new level of living on this planet.

Every human day brings an imperceptible evolutionary shift. Be in the moment and perceive that, even standing still, you continue to shift.