843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com

All of your thoughts create or manifest on different levels of your reality.

A perspective of how this operates can be demonstrated with a visit to a pyramid in Egypt. Language doesn’t adequately describe the experience created for the viewer who experiences the pyramid as a manifestation of a concept representing a historic era. The experience conveys an energetic message to the viewer, whose psyche will travel the pathways made during construction.

The viewer’s conscious decision to travel to this location also results in an energetic merger with the civilization that created the pyramid.

The result is a conveyance of knowledge, on a subconscious level, a transmission of energy and creation of a cord, which associates the experience to the individual’s current lifetime.

During the years following this visit, all energetic guidance will be transferred to the viewer, who will then translate it in making choices and interpreting personal interactions.

All experiences have a similar effect.

Thus, the visitor is not only influenced by the physical experience of visiting the pyramid, but by layers of energetic transmission and coded information contained in the “property.” You must be in the physical presence of the property for this to occur. Just viewing a photo does not adequately transmit the energy.

These experiences subsequently influence your thoughts as to your direction and what you desire to create going forward.


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