843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com


How can I maximize my ability to function and evolve beyond my current capacity to understand the nature of existence?


Your original blueprint provides for a minimal extension of consciousness along predetermined lines. Your consciousness participates in a multidimensional drama that holds you in place to interact with the mass consciousness and those individuals whose identities match yours. Participation in this mass drama runs a current of energy throughout many frequencies.

However, a shift in the planetary alignment and a nurturing of DNA has allowed certain individuals to expand. You can choose to disconnect, or detach, from the mass frequencies.

The more you question the purpose, the plan, and the reasons behind your existence, the more you will turn the mirror of your life onto a new axis. This will allow you to see beyond the illusionary 3-D reality that the masses experience.

Ask to see beyond the illusion and to understand the plan. Be open to awareness and connections. Above all, be open to opportunities to follow signs, clues, omens.

There will be minimal stability going forward. Ride the ‘magic carpet’ and open to your visions to maximize your potential.

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