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Questions from a reader – thank you!

What beings and energies are connected with Atlantis?


What connection we have with Atlantis involves technological experiments that went awry. What began as an ideal of a civilization crystallized into advanced highly evolved beings with faults who eventually created an evolutionary disaster.

We view this experience as one of failure with one exception. We took the kernel of experience and knowledge from that civilization to create truths which can be applied to current architects of this civilization.

Despite the drawbacks associated with humanity existing on Earth at this time, there is no fatal flaw which will completely destroy all on the planet.

We view nuclear energy as controllable, and the intelligence of those who believe they can control it to the detriment of others is deficient enough to characterize them as lower level, incapable of wreaking complete destruction (although they would like to think otherwise).

Now, the egoic nature of Atlanteans spurred them to reach beyond their capabilities. That, combined with their advanced abilities, tipped the balance of life into destructive conditions which could not be salvaged.

Those living on the planet now who have a memory (or sense) of Atlantean energy, or dream of drowning, are crystallized in a condition of failure. They carry the failure of that civilization, along with the dream of an ideal existence, which results in their inability to take action. Thus, when these individuals, although brilliant, conceive of a highly-evolved solution to a problem, their memory of failure results in inability to complete their concept or develop to fruition.

Our view of these individuals is that they must complete their actions or be destined to repeat these patterns in future lifetimes. The cycle of frustration requires a break in egoic focus, which is a humbling experience for beings who conceived of themselves as perfect.

The solution is one of accepting faults and blazing a humanitarian trail. Thus, if Atlantean energy is part of an individual’s makeup, the solution to failure is complete humanitarianism. We have not observed this result in many on the planet at this time.

Question: Does Atlantis still exist?


Being that all that ever existed (past, present, and future) continues to exist on some level (although not available for 3-D viewers), Atlantis, or the energy/vision of Atlantis and it’s civilization, exists in an alternate dimension which will affect those who are connected to that essence.

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