843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com

When we fully understand the concept of predestination, we will come to the conclusion that we can no longer judge the behavior and choices of others.

We’ve been trained to develop preconceived ideas and to draw certain conclusions regarding our perceptions of persons or situations. But now, there can be no judgment.

Even where there is destruction or violence, there is a biological function gone awry which is also compliant with an alternate plan.

All individuals require fine-tuning, as none exist in a state of perfection. The idea that individuals should conform to one type of behavior is counter to the current brain formation. Thus, those who believe they have free will are actually in compliance with their biological function (some functions also employ or create habits, and psychological quirks). This has been infused through generations and tampered with via DNA.

Again, all individuals participate in a predestined life path. Behavior appearing deviant is a biological crisis, and unfortunately, can not be easily re-framed.

Planetary oversight and re-engineering is the only possible solution to destructive deviations. However, many contributing factors must be aligned before amendments to human behavior can be made.

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