843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com

Question: I sometimes wonder about the people around me and what reality they are living in vs the reality that I perceive. How can we communicate in order to truly understand each other?


Your communication in any language characterizes the value of speaking from your heart and stating what you truly mean. Most people couch their language in terms that they believe will be acceptable to the audience and they are not capable of speaking their truth because they have not touched the cord of that aspect of themselves that reflects their deepest nature.

In fact, speaking from the depths of the heart with resonance will only affect the speaker. It will change their ability to relate to and understand themselves because the audience will decipher the communication using their own personal life filters. They filter all that is perceived through their relative experience. Thus, a person speaking from the heart to another will be only heard a percentage of the time and never fully heard.

Question:  How then, can we make a real connection with those in our lives who we most care about?


You are a planet unto yourself, and yet joined in oneness with All That Is. Your individuation is an illusion and created from an aspect or fragment of universal pulse. Ego is the strainer of the filter, thus, without ego, there is no illusion.

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