843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com

Question: Why do I feel that I need to hide who I am?


You are a product of a society which squelches individuality. Even those who venture outside the accepted behavior paradigms are accepted for their links to an understandable experience, i.e., they are viewed as outlanders who are capable of behaving within norms.

The issue arises when you do not fit into acceptable standards and express beliefs outside society’s norms.

All established paradigms are based upon the concept of safety and boundaries. In this case, you are pushing the boundaries of safety to expose the underlying human fear of not being in control. When you venture outside the boundaries, those individuals who are not prepared or “engineered” for exploration, will become (at a minimum) defensive and judgmental.

Thus, when you express new ideas which the media has schooled the public to view with derision, there is a likelihood of skepticism, and even ridicule.

It’s also understandable for you to want to share your new insights and participate in discussions to ground them in your reality. However, this grounding must take place in an environment of acceptance, not derision.

All beings exist in their own domain of conscious awareness, and at different stages of development. The most you can hope for at this time is a forum for discussion while the new paradigms are being introduced, since most of these concepts have not reached the ‘100th monkey’ stage of acceptance.

Those who explore these subjects are “pioneers,” just as you were pioneers when you began to question and challenge the boundaries and structure of established thought.

As before, don’t accept something you read or hear unless it resonates as true for you. Hold in abeyance, or store, ideas that may be validated for you later.

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