by monti | Jan 7, 2017 | Emotions, Energy, Spirit, Universal Alignment
What can you tell me about predictions of a catastrophic shift of the Earth’s poles? Will this happen and do I need to prepare for it? The vital instinct for survival expects catastrophe, for this is in your genetic makeup. The fight or flight mechanism produces...
by monti | Jun 26, 2015 | Formulas4Living, Universal Alignment
When we consider our mortality, we understand that our existence on this earth is finite, as opposed to the eternal nature of our souls. Of course, the concept that our spirits continue beyond the shells of our bodies requires a leap of faith… are we really...
by monti | May 23, 2015 | Formulas4Living, Universal Alignment
A few weeks ago, I received an invitation to a school reunion and put it aside. I just found it under a stack of other paperwork. As I dropped it in the recycle bag, I thought to myself that I will never attend this or any other school reunion because I’m not that...
by monti | Jan 18, 2015 | Formulas4Living, Higher Intelligence, Universal Alignment
Note: Today’s message reflects an increasingly common theme associated with the answers to my questions. Question: What is the status of the survival of our species at this time? Message: Your elevation of consciousness brings you to a new awareness of the...
by monti | Aug 28, 2014 | Awareness, Formulas4Living, Universal Alignment
Question: How does the unconscious become conscious and how do we benefit from that? Message: A weed in the desert is still a weed, and yet it is an organization of environmental planning which reached the fruition of concerted effort to thrive when there was no...
by monti | Aug 17, 2014 | Formulas4Living, Universal Alignment
Question: Do you have a message for us today? Message: We say, stay within your boundaries and allow the full power of your selves to be in body. It is a courageous gesture to stay and experience the full force of this new energetic shift. It prepares you to control...