by monti | Oct 13, 2013 | Formulas4Living
All of your thoughts create or manifest on different levels of your reality. A perspective of how this operates can be demonstrated with a visit to a pyramid in Egypt. Language doesn’t adequately describe the experience created for the viewer who experiences the...
by monti | Oct 10, 2013 | Formulas4Living
Message: The actual nature of existence is far from what any human would conceive of. You can consider it a fanciful dance with a rearranged reality. This is why the mention of angel wings will be viewed as fanciful fiction rather than based in reality. An...
by monti | Oct 8, 2013 | Formulas4Living
Gratitude is a life force that exists as a separate entity, supporting the human system. It can lead to a particular State of Grace that allows a soul to exist in a bubble of purity when the soul’s intent is exclusive of ego, with no regard for personal gain. In...
by monti | Oct 6, 2013 | Formulas4Living
I sometimes think that if I can do everything correctly, then I won’t have bad experiences. Message: You are allowed to be imperfect. The pursuit of perfection is highly overrated and solely in the eye of the beholder. Allow yourself to relax into your being. Generate...
by monti | Oct 5, 2013 | Balance, Formulas4Living, Meditation
Message: Your ages are infinitesimal to us. Your ability to transcribe and to bring change to the planet one-by-one is key to ability to shift humanity to a new level of consciousness. This cannot be done without developing a new genre of belief systems and breaking...
by monti | Oct 2, 2013 | Balance, Formulas4Living, Universe
Message: We ask that you suspend judgment and animation when we speak to you to allow us to fully permeate your consciousness. We speak in tongues, symbols, sounds, and words. But our strength lies in the accomplishment of energetic transmission of pictures. The...