843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com
The Birth of a Book

The Birth of a Book

On Sunday, I submitted the manuscript for my book to my publishing liaison. The book’s title is: “Not What We Appear to Be: New Perspectives for Conscious Living.” Emotionally, it felt like I was handing over a child that I had nurtured for a very long time, and...
The Effect of Your Choices

The Effect of Your Choices

When you consciously choose from an array of options in the spectrum of your life, you automatically experience the vibratory repercussions of that choice throughout time and space. It feeds your consciousness, winds around your vibratory field, and carries the...
Our Pioneering Spirit

Our Pioneering Spirit

Question: It appears that people are mutating faster now – what is this about? (For example, there are more people opening to channel and expressing universal concepts at a higher level). Message: The DNA code gates are opening for particular species of humans...

The Electrical Storm

Ponder This: The electrical storm creates an opening for awareness and understanding if you don’t flee the charge. Our fragility and vulnerability lie beneath the surface as we reach for understanding those things outside our control. We love and lose and create...