843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com


The actual nature of existence is far from what any human would conceive of. You can consider it a fanciful dance with a rearranged reality.

This is why the mention of angel wings will be viewed as fanciful fiction rather than based in reality. An introduction to your consciousness must be derived by crafting a story/a visualization, to guide you to this experience…now follow…

Allow yourself to imagine a tree full of colorful blooms growing in front of you. This is not an ordinary tree. It grows and manifests the lifestyle you perceive as yours. It uncovers the locks and keys behind your nature. It embodies your soul and personifies your identity.

As this tree represents your identity, the manner of its existence is multidimensional. Focus on the center of the tree, and as you gaze at it, imagine that you are walking into the center of it. Now, you are within the trunk of the tree, and it feels warm and alive, smelling of fresh, natural bark.

Close your eyes and allow the aroma to transport you to a peaceful place. Allow your imagination to take you there, and when you arrive, notice that it has no material manifestation. There are no interferences. You can stretch and be without any other being observing you.

Now, turn your attention to a space in the middle of your back between your shoulder blades, and when you are ready, begin to spread your wings. Stretch them out as far as they will go. Sense the freedom of recognizing your identity. You are a being of the angelic realm. There is no need to hide yourself in this place; you can be who you are without judgment.

Take your time and be in this place as long as you like …when you are ready, fold your wings and return to the inside of your tree. Take one last deep breath before you leave the tree, and return to life as you know it.

But now, you have the memory of spreading your wings. Carry this memory with you as you create your new reality.