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Question: How does the unconscious become conscious and how do we benefit from that?


A weed in the desert is still a weed, and yet it is an organization of environmental planning which reached the fruition of concerted effort to thrive when there was no control.

An individual may only see the forest, while the trees are connected to the plan for the organization of that forest.

When we allow all to grow together, they manage a creation of greater organization and more strength. Thus, the unconscious grows a plan for the forest by planting the seed for the first tree. You may never see the completion of this creation, or you may watch it grow.

The unconscious plants the seed, and the beginnings of the organization of what will come to fruition is in alignment with all pieces of the puzzle.

Our unconscious agreement is that the function of life is to create and nurture All That Is. The organization of that plan is pieced together in keeping with the highest interests of the greater universal pulse.

Thus, the unconscious functions as a deep well that nurtures the seedlings of the soul’s greater plan.

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