843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com

Question: Why are some of us in a physical body while others (like the Hathors) exist in light bodies?


We are here in body just as you are in a body, however, our bodies vibrate at a different frequency so that you can’t perceive our ability to function/exist in a way that is different than yours.

Our intelligence capacity also exists on a scale not comparable to yours. Thus, we perceive a greater inter-dimensional picture of how the puzzle pieces fit.

Our perceptions agree with yours in some ways, in that we believe that the interactions between individuals are a significant factor when participating in the world view.

What we perceive is the dysfunction of most humans is their inability to grasp the significance of the divinity or sacredness of existence, and then the inability to consciously apply this awareness to daily living. This is the essential difference between us.