843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com

On July 11, 2015, friends who have known each other for over 20 years connected via conference call and accessed guidance to answer individual questions. We found that the answers to this particular question benefited all of us, and hope that you find it helpful, too.

Question from Chris in Raleigh, NC: I feel the need to say a prayer prior to beginning the process of hands-on-healing. Is there a prayer that would be most helpful prior to using any healing modality?

Guidance Offered:

From Monti in Cary, NC: We ask you to consider that the power of prayer is in releasing your connection to the desired outcome. When you put the outcome in the hands of a higher or greater force, you acknowledge that you are not in control and accept the love of universal force which holds you in the perfection of All That Is. A prayer has no instruction manual and only comes from your heart as a passage to the healing energy of the Whole.

From Bobbie in Northern Virginia: Prayer is perceived as one being prepared to extend healing through channeling it from the Universe.  The more connected you are with the Universe, the more empowered you are and the more effect your intent will have. Once connected to the Source, there is nothing but pure Love that is transmitted to the receiver, and this is what truly heals. It is not limited to one aspect of the whole healing process, such as the physical, but rather extends beyond to the most crucial segment that one could say is the offending source which needs to be addressed (healed) first. Only God would know this, and it ought not to be occupied in your intent. It should only be the Love that occupies you in your efforts.

From Sol in Southwest US: At the core of your questions, as we perceive them, is the wanting/desiring to find the matrix of words that will affect an outcome. This outcome would be beneficial for the person to which the energetic connection was intended, and also, let us say, feed the ego in that what occurred in the transference or the witnessing was effective. The pureness of intent in whatever language or compilation of words for the outcome for greatest good beyond the illusion of time will be the most effective. For the core issue of the suffering cannot truly be understood without the cognition of the evolutionary spectrum of the individual. (2 or more are gathered.)

From Linda in Richmond, VA: Prayer sets up a positive frequency in the local environment and removes any negativity. This allows the body to heal faster when it doesn’t have to resolve the outside environment with its negative frequencies. This will speed up the healing of the person.