843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com

I am a sailor riding the energetic waves on the sea of consciousness.

When I breathe in, the waves rise and when I breathe out, they recede.

The gentle rocking of the ocean of sound envelopes me in peaceful experience of being held by great, loving arms in the cradle of Gaia.

And she says, “Hush little baby of mine, you are in the strong arms of the Universe, which hold you forever in the embrace of All That Is. Your power comes from the stars and your eyes twinkle with evening light as you pass forward into the ageless silence of the great BEing.”

For the compass turns, and forward moves the ship of timeless passage.

We go forth alone but not alone.

We blend love with learned mastery.

The great and powerful underlying force of nature guides our breath and grants us the ultimate peace of BEing in Unity, as One, with All That Is.