843.633.1811 montisc@gmail.com

Question: What else can you tell us about breaking through boundaries and how to do it?


Your consciousness creates a circular path to your destination which permeates the third dimensional existence and promulgates a structure which you view as real. In fact, it is a complex construction of current events, future possibilities, and combined consciousness.

When you focus on your desires, you hold in place the perspective of how you view your reality and what you want. However, this restricts you to a time line which is unavailable and unrealistic. Where you err in visualization is the constricted version of truth which you perceive. In fact, the truth is beyond your ability to perceive and the version of reality which you view is protecting you from the nature of a larger vision, not ready for viewing.

The restricted boundaries of your perceptions are held in place by a veil which allows only those with expanded abilities to access. However, the promise of a new version of human capacity will open this vista to those ready for the leap.

Such is the human imagination that many can conceive of this new reality, but their focus is warped and unreliable. There are many versions of suppositions and imaginative creations regarding the nature of the universe and how humans are controlled.

We say to you, be of yourself and perceive the truth of your own being (what you know in present time). What you sense is true for you is your “center” and space of grounding. The security of your nervous system requires restrained use of expansion to assure that the complexity of your existence is not imploded.

Our consideration of your sensitivity, current abilities, and potential requires a slow but steady consistency in advancing your being; pacing information so that what is given may be properly absorbed.

We want you to know that you are cared for infinitely, and the structure of your being is connected like a scaffolding to the ever-expanding universe.

Question: Can you give us more information about the June 5th message which provided this exercise: “Imagine that malleable light, which invented your circle, is available to change those experiences which appeared permanent. Also, there are parallel circles carrying different, but related, life experiences just outside your point of view.”


Consider changing your focus from manifesting the conscious creation of desires to becoming a light-filled, luminous being who merges with universal flow. When you open to the magic of the unknown and acknowledge that this guides every aspect of your lives, you embrace the changing mystery of existence.

With your inner eye, notice that there is no solidity to your being, but that you are made of light, and part of nature. Imagine that you are merging with the universal grid, and notice where this takes you – can you move among the angels? Your ability to see and sense these next steps requires letting go of focus of the present 3-D existence and opening to embodying the carrier of light that you are. Hence the term ‘light-worker.’

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